
The Denya Group leads the construction industry in Israel and redefines standards of performance, professionalism, quality, service and, above all, uncompromising safety.

Denya Group is committed to breakthrough innovation, which promotes the development and implementation of state-of-the-art technologies in the construction industry in Israel, streamlines work processes and sets an excellent level of performance alongside a stringent safety standard in all the projects it performs.

The company places the safety of its employees and workers on the site first and foremost and is committed to maintaining their safety and personal safety, including using the most advanced safety equipment, conducting regular trainings and providing safe work education.

We believe that Denya Group, as a leading construction and infrastructure company in Israel, should strive to provide its residents with a high level of service and be committed to creating value for its residents and maintaining contact with them over time on the basis of trust, professionalism and efficiency.

The Denya Group is a heterogeneous tapestry of all the ethnic groups and religions of Israel. We invest in the human capital of the group, which for us is the key to success in every activity, alongside striving to establish mutual guarantee, personal responsibility, and exemplary for all.

At Denya Group, we are proud and committed to continuing to lead the country’s land building and development, and to play a significant role in the execution of the largest and most important national projects in Israel.

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